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When Rayna and I headed to Standley Lake for a yoga session, we were expecting a calm, relaxed hour or two of yoga and photography. Instead, we got intense winds threatening to blow us and all our belongings away. Rayna powered through it all because, let’s face it, she really is a warrior!

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We even got photobombed by a couple of horses! Can you tell that I like incorporating animals into yoga photography yet?

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I think it was at this point when Rayna moved her mat to avoid snake holes and I yelled, “I have to be afraid of snakes now!” while cautiously stepping around cacti. I am clearly a newbie when it comes to desert living.

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Despite the wind and snake scares, it was a wonderful evening and what great evening doesn’t end with a beautiful sunset?

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If you are looking engaging yoga portraits for you or your company, please send me a message at [email protected]. I would love to help tell your story through yoga and photography.
