Today is Colorado Gives Day, a day of charitable giving throughout our wonderful state. I’ve put together a list of my favorite homegrown non-profit organizations and programs. Whatever you are passionate about, there is a local non-profit that could use your help.
Arts and Culture – Presenting Denver
Art and culture is an important part or any community and Presenting Denver is working to enhance Denver’s connection to dance. Presenting Denver’s mission is to support the art of dance though increased public exposure and the appreciation of movement as an innovative art form by linking education, accessibility and the performance of dance. Presenting Denver’s programs and services enhance the lives of Colorado residents by increasing the accessibility of dance.  You can become a donor or volunteer for Presenting Denver to help support their efforts for years to come.
Health – Colorado LARC Program
The Colorado LARC Program provides access to long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) for young women. This program has significantly reduced unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and teen birth rates, which saves the state taxpayer money and provides brighter futures for Colorado’s teens. LARCs are some of the most effective methods of contraception and there is no room for user error.
Here’s what the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said about unintended pregnancy:

  • Unintended pregnancies result in approximately 10,000 abortions in Colorado each year.
  • Children born from unplanned pregnancies face a greater risk for poor physical and mental health, child abuse and lower educational attainment.
  • Women with unplanned pregnancies are at greater risk for poor health later in life, including increased likelihood of depression, physical abuse, diabetes and obesity. (

The program is currently fighting for public funding and you can help by writing to your legislature and encouraging them to continue funding the IUD program. Additionally, you can make an private donation to support the program.
Human Services – The Boulder Shelter
Studies have shown that the cost of housing the homeless pays for itself. The Housing First approach reduces the cost of emergency service and other public services by providing free, permanent housing to the homeless. When the chronically homeless are housed, they are better able to treat their mental illnesses and substance abuse, get and keep jobs, and be reunited with their families. This all leads to more productive, happier people and, in turn, boosts the economy.
The Boulder Shelter has a Housing First Program that targets the chronically homeless in Boulder County. The program provides permanent housing, with on-going intensive case management. You can donate to the Boulder Shelter here and specify, in the comments section, that you’d like it to go to the Housing First program.
Animals – Denver Dumb Friends League
Did you know that homeless animals outnumber homeless people 5 to 1? Thousands of animals are found on the street, rescued from abusers, or turned in by owners who can no longer care for them. The Denver Dumb Friends League has one of the highest placement rates in the country and serves dogs, cats, and horses throughout the state of Colorado. You can donate, volunteer, or adopt to support the Denver Dumb Friends League. Plus they often have deals on adoption fees if you’re looking for your own furry friend.
Environment – Rocky Mountain Conservancy
We are so lucky to live in a state with a stunning National Park in it. People come from all over the country to see the Rockies and they are protected and preserved in our own backyard. Rocky Mountain Conservancy is an organization that supports projects in Rocky Mountain National Park such as building trails, maintaining historic structures, and creating wheelchair accessible trails. Supporting Rocky Mountain Conservancy helps to keep Rocky Mountain National Park beautiful and available for generations to come. You can donate or become a member of the Rocky Mountain Conservancy to support Colorado’s National Park.
Happy Giving Colorado!