I don’t have any first cousins, except for the furry ones of course, and I don’t get to see my second cousins very often since they live on the east coast. We’ve only had three reunions, but they are always beyond awesome. This time there was a lot to catch up on and celebrate. There was a wedding and a baby, many years of college past, new careers and relationships begun.

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We all met up in Ohio for the Fourth of July weekend. We stayed at this awesome old house with the sweetest inkeeper ever. She decorated for us, did our hair, and even made all 18 of us breakfast on the our last morning there.

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We didn’t really do a whole lot, just hung out and talked, but we did manage to work in a game of tennis and some ultimate frisbee.

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I don’t think athletics run in our blood. There was a lot more falling and laughing than there was scoring!

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The most exciting part of the trip was meeting the next generation! I’ve always been the youngest in my family so having a brand new cousin was super awesome.

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Isn’t she adorable? She might even be cuter than me!

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We pretty much spent the whole weekend drinking and cooking…

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…and grilling and baking. We really like food, okay?

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I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect vacation.

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Every day is a story. I would love to help you share yours and document all of life’s little moments. Tell me your story at [email protected]. Â