Capturing Denver performing arts events is such a fun way to gain insight into what’s happening around Denver. I love these opportunities to participate and contribute to the local art scene. Most of all, I love sharing the photos from events like these. Some Denver arts events are only open to a small group of people and even with events that are available to all, no one can make it to everything awesome that’s happening around town. Having photos of these events give people who couldn’t make it a chance to see it anyway. And I love that!

Denver opera singer photograph

Opera Colorado’s season preview concert was really cool because it gave attendees a sneak peek at the events for the rest of the year. This event gave season ticket holders a glimpse at the upcoming season so they could decide what shows they wanted to see. I think it really helped everyone get excited about what was in store!

Man chatting at Denver performing arts event

At the event, Greg Carpenter, the Artistic Director, announced the new season and gave some background about each show. But just having someone speak would be boring, right? I mean all that information was online anyway. Not only did he talk about the shows, the singers, and show the sets, and the costume designs, but there was singing! What Denver performing arts event would be complete without some performing arts? The Opera Colorado Young Artists gave viewers a preview of each show by performing a few songs from the shows they would be in throughout the year. It was a great evening and got everyone revved up for the upcoming season.

Women minging at bar during Denver event

By the way, Opera Colorado announced their 2018-2019 season recently. Check it out!

Man mingling during Denver performing arts event

Artistic Director speaking at opera concert

Young Artists singing at Denver opera concert

Opera singer performing at Colorado event

opera singer singing in Denver, Colorado

Opera Colorado duet performed at Denver concert

audiene members clapping for performers at arts event in Denver

Opera Colorado Young Artsits sing at Denver performing arts concert

three denver singers perform angry scene

three Denver opera singers perform at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House

Greg Carpenter addresses the audience at opera event in Denver

opera singers take their bows on stage in Denver, Colorado

Want engaging production photos to reach new audiences and sell more tickets? I would love to help tell your story through photos. Contact me here or message me at [email protected].